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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Abe Lincoln :: essays research papers
Abraham Lincoln was conceived on February 12, 1809 of every a log lodge in the Kentucky wild. When be was a young man his Grandfather battled in the Revolutionary War. He had a younger sibling by the name of Sarah. As he went to class he met a kid by the name of Austin. They in a split second became companions all the more so best of companions. From the start Abe wasn't permitted to go to class since he didn't have a decent pair of britches. In his interest he wanted to peruse. When Abe was eleven, his mom passed on of what they called "milk sick" which happened from drinking unpasteurized milk. That was four years after they moved to another homestead in southern Indiana. He needed to live in an open shed all through the winter. That year his mom passed on, his dad remarried. He wedded Sarah Bush Johnson. She brought three children and a cousin Dennis Hanks. When Abe was nineteen, he functioned as a boatman and make his first outing down the Mississippi River to New Orleans, the focal point of the slave exchange. When Abe was twenty-one, he moved with his family to Illinois. Anyway Abe's sibling Thomas didn't make it to Illinois since he passed on of flu. Not long after Abe made his second stumble on the flatboat to New Orleans to safeguard the blacks and battle bondage. Abe filled in as a skipper operating at a profit Hawk War and was vanquished. Abe returned to Illinois and not long after was chosen for the State Legislature and before long got one of the most encouraging youthful Whig party pioneers. When Abe was thirty-three, he wedded Mary Todd on November 4,1842. Throughout the following eleven years the two would have four youngsters their names were Robert, Edward, William, and Thomas. Not long after their marriage Abe turned into a legal advisor and rehearsed in Springfield, Illinois. Not long after that Abe was chosen for Congress. While in Congress it was said that Abe had a mystery sentiment with Ann Rutledge unfortunately, Ann passed on in 1835. Additionally during his reign in Congress Abe suggested that slave proprietors in the District of Columbia he lost a great deal of notoriety while doing as such. Abe and his partner Douglas discussed each other over the extension of servitude into the domains. As these discussions went on a man by the name of John Brown endeavored to begin a resistance by driving an assault on Harper's Ferry.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Strategy And Controls In Information Security
System and Controls For Dealing With Malicious Attacks and Vulnerability Every association must concentrate and contribute on countermeasures to manage PC assaults and vulnerabilities. As indicated by Beard and Wen (2009) an association should adjust its assets against the estimation of its data resources and any potential dangers against them. These would work in distinguishing vulnerabilities, forestalling assaults, and countering impacts of any assaults that succeeds.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Strategy And Controls In Information Security explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Identifying the vulnerabilities and finding a method of limiting them would function admirably to stay away from potential assaults, and this is the best methodology. An assault is a demonstration submitted by a gatecrasher with an off-base intention of meddling with framework security. An assault on the data resources abuses the system’s powerlessness, and coul d harm the benefit. An assault could contain any of the accompanying classifications or a mix of any of them: Fabrications, which implies selection of certain misleadings to pull a prank on the ignorant clients of a framework; Interruptions, which makes a break in the transmission channel and in this way going about as a square; Interceptions, which listens in on transmissions diverting to unapproved client; and Modifications, which meddles or quarrels with the information being transmitted. Powerlessness then again is a shortcoming in a framework that makes it feasible for a mischief to be brought about by an assault. Dangers can't be disposed of, however it is conceivable to ensure a framework against vulnerabilities. This would limit the odds of a danger abusing the defenselessness. Along these lines, taking out however much helplessness as could be expected is the way to assurance against the danger of assault (Ludwig, 1996). Methodologies of Dealing with Risks of Attacks and Th reats The security plan in an organization’s data framework ought to incorporate both proactive and responsive vital measures. The proactive methodology includes predefined ventures for forestalling assaults before they happen, and includes deciding the harm of a potential assault, deciding the vulnerabilities the assault would misuse, lastly limiting the shortcomings or the decided feeble focuses for that particular danger. This has been talked about thinking about a few dangers as referenced: Virus, Logic Bombs, Worm An infection connects itself to programming and spreads inside the framework and through messages to different frameworks. A worm then again spreads through misusing weakness in an application or working framework in a system. A rationale bomb is an infection or worm that actuates under set conditions, and for the most part influences the application layer.Advertising Looking for paper on it? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper w ith 15% OFF Learn More An infection can make different harms a framework, and can prompt a gigantic loss of all important data. The drive or programming can likewise crash because of infection assault. All the reports put away in the hard drive can be lost. Infection would likewise intrude on the riding procedure of the net, presenting individual data to open. This may likewise influence different frameworks in the system. A few kinds of infection can create Internet Protocol (IP) address haphazardly and send naturally. On the off chance that the created address is duplicate of SQL server, the infection can be shot by the framework aimlessly to other IP addresses, influencing an entire framework quick. What's more, an infection assault can likewise cause cradle flood where the infection may exploit flood vulnerability. The influenced framework won't have the option to deal with unnecessary data, in this way may close down. Zero-day assaults are dubious since they are propagated befo re the product designer would even consider executing a counter to a danger. Defenselessness the executives would help to limit the dangers of infection assaults. This is a security and quality affirmation process by programming designers that includes an investigation period of a potential assault, the test stage, answering to engineers, and alleviation or defensive estimates important. Control Measures Zero-day insurance These are security instruments found in contemporary working frameworks to limit multi day assaults. Work area and server insurance programming are additionally prescribed to counter support flood vulnerabilities. White posting, which just permits realized great applications get to the framework can successfully control against zero-day assaults. Different layers assurance would be proper in the event that where one-layer misuse is found. For example, actualizing server get to control, nearby server firewalling, and organize equipment firewall. These are three lay ers which would supplement each other on the off chance that one is undermined. Antivirus and spyware can likewise be utilized to identify any infection, worm or rationale bomb assaults through filtering procedure, and evacuation by pulverizing the parasite records and catalogs. Indirect access Attacks This is access to a PC that sidesteps any set security instruments. This should be possible for investigating by a software engineer, yet aggressors may utilize it as an adventure. This would represent a security hazard, since saltines would consistently search for a helpless spot to abuse. An indirect access permits an interloper to meddle with records and even erase them or change framework settings. It can likewise corrupt web offices influencing rate and performance.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Strategy And Controls In Information Security explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Control of Backdoors An indirect access can be found and evacuated by utilization of antivirus items. Propelled spyware removers can distinguish and expel indirect accesses by checking. These have broad mark databases for framework parasites. Guidelines on manual malware evacuation are likewise accessible in web assets if there should be an occurrence of an antivirus or spyware remover falls flat. The client would then be able to have the option to erase all records and different articles that are parasitic. Vulnerabilities A shortcoming in the structure or activity of a framework that can be abused to bargain its security can be alluded to as helplessness. A portion of the vulnerabilities experienced are featured underneath with techniques and control of managing them. Security Administration Systems need security approach prompting an ungoverned data organize, and consequently helpless against assaults. The fundamental driver of this circumstance is the demeanor of most PCs executives with abhorrence for security organization (Vilcinskas and Nim an, 2000) This can be constrained by guaranteeing that systems adding to security are predicated to components of the approach to be firm and very successful. This would contain security plans and requirement including evaluating controls. Also, security preparing to the staff is urgent and ought not be excluded in an association. A reliable procedure of formal design the board and authoritatively archived systems ought to be completely executed. A security arrangement controlling the ideal opportunity for clients logging time to the framework could likewise be set. Architechture Single purposes of-disappointment exist where numerous PCs have brought together information stockpiling and control. Physical harm to resources may result because of passable activity of control hardware. What's more, the utilizing of PCs and systems for crisis signals renders the framework defenseless. Different frameworks like security and fire are likewise being coordinated in PCs. This expands the conc eivable outcomes of interruption and interruption (DePoy, 2003. P. 6)Advertising Searching for article on it? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More This would require a compelling control chain of command to block any conceivable physical harm. Systems Vulnerabilities in systems incorporate confinements brought about by utilization of basic passwords and not well secured joins for old frameworks which are so powerless against assault. In any case, contemporary advancements in present day frameworks have additionally prompted more hazard because of monstrous aggregation of assaults the world over. What's more, there is clueless trust in PCs connects to dependably transmit information with shared connections that are not sufficiently protected from different substances utilizing it. Likewise interfaces to outer frameworks expect a similar trust on outside system. Control of these vulnerabilities because of system incorporate ensuring PCs associations over helpless connections with encryption, significant confirmation for remote access and information assurance among customers and passages. The framework chairman would likewise req uest intermittent difference in passwords, utilization of screen savers that can break and initiate the workstation lock, and setting a NetBios secret phrase whenever upheld by equipment maker (Warigon, 1997). Decision Strategies of a security plan in an association include predefined ventures for forestalling assaults. Infection, rationale bombs and indirect access assaults have been broke down in this conversation and the conceivable regulatory and other control measures. A few vulnerabilities have additionally been featured with procedures of managing them and control measures. These incorporate security organization, design, and system related vulnerabilities. References Beard, D. Wen, H. (2009). Diminishing The Threat Levels for Accounting Information Systems. NewYork: New York State Society. DePoy, J. (2003). Regular Vulnerabilities In Critical Infrastructure Control Systems. Sandia, U. S. : Sandia Corporation. Ludwig, M. (1996). The Little Blackbook of Computer Viruses. T ucson, Arizona: American Eagle Publications, Inc. Vilcinskas, M. Niman, P. (2000). Security Strategies. New York: Inobits Consulting Pty Ltd. Warigon, S. (1997). Information Warehouse Control and Security. London: The record. This article on Strategy And Controls In Information Security was composed and submitt
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Structure an Essay on Cell Biology
How to Structure an Essay on Cell BiologyCell Biology Essay Topics can be daunting, but you can avoid a lot of them by knowing the right kinds of topics to use. Make sure that you use them all; there is no doubt in my mind that you will be much more effective if you do!It seems like all you want to do when it comes to making an essay on Cell Biology is to find one thing that looks interesting. What you must remember though is that your topic should stand out above the rest and give your essay the proper attention it deserves. Once you are done with this, you are well on your way to writing a great essay.So where do you start? First, when it comes to writing an essay on Cell Biology, you have to realize that the topic must stand out above the rest. This means that it has to be very unique and relevant to the rest of the content that you will need to cover. It is best to break your topic down into two sections: a short introduction and a short synopsis.The introduction is what most peo ple think of when they begin to think about Cell Biology topics. You have to get right to the point; write as if you are speaking in front of a class. Use as much detail as possible. In this section, you will also want to make sure that you use the right vocabulary and spelling.Next, the second part of your Cell Biology essay topic is going to be the summary. In this section, you will want to gather all of the information that you have gathered up to this point. Then summarize it in your outline.Your outline is going to act as a guide and as a framework for the rest of your writing. This means that it serves as a foundation on which you can build your paper. Be sure that it fits in your overall writing style and doesn't interfere with your content.Be sure that the Cell Biology essay topics that you choose fit together to make one cohesive unit. This means that your topics will both be relevant to the others and that they will be related to each other. This is the key to writing a su ccessful article; be sure that you structure your essay around the topics that you have chosen.Remember, when it comes to writing an essay on Cell Biology, you have to make sure that you structure your essay around the topics that you choose. If you do this, you will certainly be much more successful than if you didn't!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Facebook Is The Most Popular Social Networking - 830 Words
FACEBOOK What is Facebook and how is it used? Even though Facebook is one of many social networking websites, it is arguably the most popular social networking website available today. Facebook allows users to easily connect with friends and family members, colleagues or any other Facebook users over the internet. The only requirements are an internet connection and a basic computing device. Once the user has created a profile, they can instantly share their thoughts, location, pictures, and videos. People interact with it using their computers, tablets, and smartphones. After a person’s profile is created they can then invite friends to join their circle. After adding a few friends Facebook uses algorithms suggest more friends to help build the social network. Facebook is unique compared to other forms of online communications such as email and texts because it allows the user to communicate and share interactively friends and family all at the same time. Then receive the grat ification of almost instantaneous feedback in the form of on-line comments and likes. FIGURE 1: Sample Interface for Creating Posts How was Facebook Invented? Personal communication is one of the deepest human needs. Facebook revolutionized the face of communication from a personal interaction to a personal interaction with a computer interface. The product was originally developed in 2004 by a Harvard student named Mark Zuckerberg and his friends as a dating website called,Show MoreRelatedFacebook Is The Most Popular Social Networking1227 Words  | 5 Pages DURING THE MONSOON SEMESTER 2014 INTRODUCTION: Facebook is the most popular social networking site over the world with more than eight hundred million users. It has become so much part of people’s life that anyone can get access to their personal information. Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg with the concept of allowing people to share their common interest, but with time it has lost its real essenceRead MoreEssay on Social Networking in Business1149 Words  | 5 PagesMike Swanstrom 3/29/2010 Social Networking In Business Introduction Social networking in business is the study of individuals interacting socially for business purposes. This can be done either electronically, or not electronically. Usually when social networking occurs electronically, it is achieved through network-based interfaces. Social networking is primarily focused around one thing: connections. One can utilize every social network that exists (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), but unlessRead MoreSocial Networking Sites Among People1130 Words  | 5 PagesContinuance intention of Facebook among people related to different aspects of user psychology. People with high self-esteem use Facebook for number of hours to enhance their social life. People who are narcissist by nature are prone to get addicted easily to social networking sites. People who are extravert spend more time on Facebook to enhance their social life. 2.0 Introduction Social networking sites help diversity of people of different culture to communicate with each other. In thisRead MoreAre Social Networks Helping or Hindering Communication?774 Words  | 3 Pagesto table? I am looking into this topic of social networking since I am very interested in web development. I wanted to examine some of the popular social networking sites and their underlying technologies and framework. Since I am interested in web development I wanted to examine the web technologies used to implement and the run the services companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I think there are plenty of discussions on social networking and how it is affecting news platforms, educationRead MoreThe Postive of Social Networking732 Words  | 3 PagesSocial Networking has been an incredibly popular, and affected much of the society around the world. Social Networking has changed many people around the world from educational purposes to people’s life styles. Many of the Social Networking websites have a way to connect with other people all around the world, to make new friends, learn new things and even make relationships. Social Networking has increased in a very fast way in the past years, especially among college students, and high school studentsRead MoreThe Effects Of Facebook On People s Psychological Well Being Essay838 Words  | 4 PagesStatement: The effect of Facebook on people’s psychological Well-being. This literature review is made to discuss the effects of social networking websites especially Facebook on people’s psychological Well-being. Since Facebook became the number one social networking website in the world and almost everyone use Facebook to communicate with people, we should know that people from the age of 18 to 25 are the ones usually glued to their Facebook accounts due to the fact that they careRead MoreSocial Networking in the Business World Essay1435 Words  | 6 Pagesof your competitors, and be on the lookout for new ways to get noticed. Social networking has emerged as one of the latest trends in business today, and utilizing the social media for sales, marketing, and recruiting can drive your business and help it flourish. Online social networks are becoming critical business tools, and with this technology at your fingertips, you must take advantage of the opportunity, and let the social media take some of the guesswork out of your busin ess strategies. CommunicationRead MoreSocial Medi A Big Part Of The Internet Industry1431 Words  | 6 PagesSocial media Improvements have been made in technology causing the number of users on social media to rise every day. The use of social media depicts the relationships between people and how the communication progresses. As stated by Heidemann, Klier and Probst (2012) social media cites are online communities that help individuals to bond and create relationships with each other. Therefore, social networking sites help people find others with similar interests; it helps sustain and uphold theirRead MoreSocial Networking in the Classroom671 Words  | 3 PagesIt is difficult to walk in to a classroom and not see a social networking site on a student’s phone, IPad or laptop screen. Social media is a highly used by college students, high school students and some middle school student. The most popular social networking site is Facebook. The newest social networking site is Instagram. About 90% of undergraduates on the majority of college campuses and 90% of high school students use socia l media sites, creating online profiles of themselves and addingRead MoreA Technological Revolution655 Words  | 3 Pagessociety has become an ever-growing popular topic as technology continues to evolve. Social networks and their affects on society in particular has become a prevalently discussed topic. In modern culture social networking is know as the use of dedicated websites and application to communicate informally with other users, or to find people with similar interests to oneself. With the availability of several types of social networks increasing, each social networking site connects people in different
Friday, May 15, 2020
The United States Involvement During The Vietnam War
Though out history, American has had its hand in conflict with other countries. Some of those conflicts have turned out into wars. Looking back at America’s â€Å"track record†with war, America has a worthy past of having its citizen’s support. Obviously the two World Wars we not controversial. The United States in the Korean War was criticized, fairly, for its strategy, but the need to defend South Korea was never questioned. In only the Vietnam War was the United States’ very participation criticized. This is such a gigantic change with prior wars that it bears study as to why it happened, and better yet, should have it happened. This paper will discuss the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War, by asking the simple question, Should have the Untied States’ gotten involved into the first place. This paper will prove that in fact, America should have not gotten involved with the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War took place in between 1947 - 1975. It consisted of North Vietnam trying to make South Vietnam a communism government. The United States later joined this conflict because of the stress North Vietnam was putting to South Vietnam to become a government that America did not want. The main reason why America joined was because of a theory called the Domino Effect. America and Russia were going through what has been dubbed the Cold War. The Domino Effect is the theory that communism will spread form one country to another. United states does not want this because ourShow MoreRelatedUnited States Involvement During Vietnam War990 Words  | 4 Pagesconsiderably they has been involvements. For example US involvement in Vietnam war through out the1950s till 1960s. In that incidence united states supported France which was more a democratic side and rejected vietnamese nationalist Ho Chi who was known as a communist supported by Russia, and aided with the cost of the war. In 1964 the congress authorised Johnson the president to take necessary actions to prevent aggression against united states in Vietnam and bombing of Vietnam took place in responseRead MoreThe United States Involvement During The Vietnam War1514 Words  | 7 PagesThe United States involvement in the Vietnam War developed into one of the most brutal, yet necessary wars of The Cold War. Although the war was viewed poorly by most, it helped a weak, crumbling South Vietnam stand up to a strong powerful North Vietnam that was forcing communism on them. President Johnson even stated that â€Å"Our objective is the independence of South Vietnam and its freedom from attack.†The United States wanted to stop an oppressive government and to make sure the world is a saferRead MoreThe United States Involvement During The Vietnam War1904 Words  | 8 PagesThe United States involvement in the Vietnam War primarily between the years 1964 and 1968 were brought about by the many hostilities and frustrations predominately based on issues of the Cold War, communism, the Policy of Containment, and the Domino Theory. When the United States first got involved in the Vietnam War in the first half of the 1960s, problems had been ongoing for quite sometime and were continuing to increasingly get worse. Throughout the period of U.S. involvement in the war, thereRead MoreThe United States Involvement During The Vietnam War1729 Words  | 7 PagesThe United States involvement in Vietnam was the longest war the U.S. has ever took part in and was considered an extended military engagement due to the fact congress never formally declared war with Vietnam (FCNL). The Vietnam War began on Nov ember 1, 1955 and lasted for 20 years until April 30, 1975. The war was fought between the communist Northern Vietnamese and the anti-communist Southern Vietnamese after the country was temporarily divided by the Geneva Accords. Americas entering of the VietnamRead MoreAnalyzing United States Involvement in Indonesia During the Vietnam War590 Words  | 2 PagesA comprehensive analysis of the United States involvement in Indonesia during the Vietnam War is a virtual case study in lessons learned and mistakes not to make during martial encounters. These errors and the lessons they provided spanned a number of different areas, and include noticeable blunders in social and cultural contexts, presidential leadership, and in diplomatic negotiations. Although the U.S. made a number of mistakes and miscalculations concerning the cultural needs of the South VietnameseRead MoreThe Vietnam War Cost the U.S. More than Money Essay902 Words  | 4 PagesU.S.A Involvement in Vietnam War Direct U.S. military involvement in The Vietnam War, the nations longest, cost fifty-eight thousand American lives. Only the Civil War and the two world wars were deadlier for Americans. During the decade of Vietnam start in 1964, the U.S Treasury spent over $140 billion on the war, enough money to fund urban regeneration projects in every major American city. In spite of these enormous costs and their accompanying public and private disturbance for the AmericanRead MoreAmerican Wars Abroad1567 Words  | 7 PagesDuring the Cold War the United States was involved in numerous conflicts overseas. As the Cold War progressed there were occasions where the US extended its participation beyond what was necessary by not acting in a quick and decisive ma nner. When dealing with crisis or conflict, America must not prolong foreign involvement. The Vietnam War and the Arms Race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union are two instances where America prolonged involvement past what was necessary. Certain aspects of bothRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1475 Words  | 6 Pageson one such event, the Vietnam War, came from entertainment-based programs and the play Miss Saigon. Despite heavy coverage in such well-known comedic films as Forrest Gump and Good Morning Vietnam, the true events were anything but a laugh for those involved. In spite of the relative recentness of the events in Vietnam, many of today’s youths know little about the topic. The events in Vietnam raise the ever-present question on the ethics of third party involvement in a war otherwise unrelated toRead MoreSocial Differences Of The Korean War And Vietnam War826 Words  | 4 Pagescause of many wars. These two major wars, the Korean War and the Vietnam Wa r, not only had serious impact within the country, but also give a prime example of how similar and different between the two. Both wars were commenced similarly from its conflict with expansion of a communist government and the involvement of the United States. Differences came from the involvement of the United Nation and the outcome of both wars. The similarity between the two wars is the the factorRead MoreVietnam War Paper1273 Words  | 6 PagesThe Vietnam War escalated from a Vietnamese civil war into a limited international conflict, in which the United States was deeply involved. The Vietnam War was fought in South Vietnam between government forces aided by the United States and guerilla forces aided by the North Vietnamese. Despite increased American military involvement and signed peace agreements in 1973, the Vietnam War did not end until North Vietnams successful invasion of South Vietnam in 1975. The Vietnam War may have been
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Personal Narrative My Favorite Memories - 805 Words
Throughout my years in school, I would watch in awe as my teachers stood in front of the class with a sense of confidence and ease. The older I became, the more I realized how much educators did in order to make sure that the students in their classrooms succeeded. Even when I was not at school, I sometimes got an inside perspective of the life of an educator from my aunt, who is a first grade teacher. I would hear all about the lessons that she planned and some of the experiences that she has had as an educator. As she spoke about her experiences, I could genuinely tell how much she enjoyed expanding the minds of her students. As I grew older, I recognized how much I enjoyed being with and helping children, whether it was one of my peers or the children whom I babysat. One of my favorite memories is of babysitting a child who was struggling with her history homework. I sat down with her, re-read the question aloud and walked her through the chapter in her book to find the answer. The moment she found the answer in the book her face lit up. That is one of the many reasons that I want to be an educator. I love seeing the excitement of a child who was once struggling when he or she finally reads a word that was challenging, or figures out the answer to a difficult mathematical question. Since I can remember, I have dedicated my non-school time to working with children in different settings. My first real experience was in my early teen years when I started babysitting.Show MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative For The Nebraska State Writing Test761 Words  | 4 PagesI teach fourth grade language arts where my main focus is to prepare my students to write a personal narrative for the Nebraska State Writing Test in January. Reading and writing are intertwined in my area of professional responsibility as I motivate my students to write a well-organized, creative personal narrative. As I have taught writing, I have found reading, writing, speaking, and listening go hand in hand when composing a personal narrative (Bruning, 2011, p. 299). First of all, readingRead MoreA Short Story1483 Words  | 6 Pagesschool work. My body sagged with fatigue, arms unable to rise above my waist, and my head drooped in eagerness to meet my bed. Of course I was eager in turn to meet my head’s throbbing expectations, leaping into bed to a night long and full of eventful dreams. Then I heard those fatal words, courtesy of my darling mother ,†Did you have good day? Did you get everything done that you needed to?†â€Å"Mrghm†¦ In-a-bit†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , came my mumbled, muffled, reply. As much as I anticipated giving my body permissionRead MoreExpository Writing - Writing And Writing1560 Words  | 7 Pageswas not certain what to except from this course. Writing has never been my strong suit, early in the semester I struggled with the writings. In high school, English class was not my favorite subject causing me to not gain the knowledge I should have, coming into this course with a poor knowledge about expository and narrative writing. Once I entered this course, the information that was received about expository and narrative writing helped me tremendously. I became accustomed to the new writing styleRead MoreEssay on Into the Wild: Book vs. Movie956 Words  | 4 PagesInto the Wild: Book vs. Movie Into the Wild happens to be my favorite book, and also one of my favorite movies. Most people like one or the other, but I think the two complement each other because of the varied stances taken on the main character himself. In case you’re not familiar, Into the Wild is based on the true story of Chris McCandless who, after graduating with honors from Emory University in 1990, gave his entire savings of twenty-four thousand dollars to charity and set off followingRead MoreMy First Year Experience Program1134 Words  | 5 Pageswasn’t high expectations at my previous school of good writing techniques and correct uses of writing tools. During the course of this semester I became a stronger writer and well prepared for the rest of my college career here at Pacific Lutheran University by improving my vocabulary, being more descriptive and altering my writing process to be more successful. The Writing 101 assignment that I have chosen best demonstrates my progress as a writer is our Personal Narrative Essay. Though this was ourRead MoreMy Favorite Time Has Come !1130 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"Your favorite time has come! Anyone wants to make a guess?! It’s time to write an essay!†Of course Ms.L would end class with a comment like this. I always did my English homework because she was a bit intimidating when you didn’t finish the homework she had assigned, but an essay? I glance at the paper thrown to my table and the only words that catch my eye are â€Å"personal and minimum: 1000 words.†I run my hands over my face back and forth, but it also feels like someone is hitting my chest withRead MoreHow I Am A Writer Essay1112 Words  | 5 Pageswriting assignments, I have to write everything down on a piece of paper to get my thoughts out and just let my pen flow. I tend to write essays only when I am assigned, but for the most part, I write everyday. I personally like to write about me in particular but mainly I enjoy writing about overcoming different obstacles people face in life or about the future. As a writer, you will have different weaknesses and strengths. My weakness is sometimes when I write, I can go way beyond off subject. I couldRead MoreNotes On The Literacy Narrative Essay1290 Words  | 6 PagesBackground Sources of Learning When I started phrasing My parent’s contribution/devotion I first started playing my favorite game Paragraph 2 I started using dictionary Started completing words puzzles Got lengthier Assignments Paragraph 3 High school Improved writing skills Journalism Class Mississippi State University Paragraph 4 Recap/Summary The LIteracy Narrative Since I was very young, I have had a strong passionRead MoreA Research On My Sophomore Honors English Class1693 Words  | 7 PagesOver the past three years my sophomore honors English class completed a project-based unit where students publish a thoughtful collection of narrative nonfiction writing in which they tell specific family stories. Along the way students conduct interviews to produce a journalistic piece of writing and then utilize creative writing techniques to develop characters, settings and use selected literary devices. The project culminates with the publishing and launching of a hardbound copy book usingRead MoreThe Mono Tale Of The Hero s Journey1549 Words  | 7 Pagesopportunity to obtain it. I will retell my literacy journey in a way that encompasses one of my favorite theories in writing, the mono-tale of the Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell. This theory states that the Hero’s journey is a pattern in a narrative that forms the basic templ ate of all great stories (Gunn 1). Call to adventure My childhood has revolved in the same area. Born on the 7th of the 7th month of the year 1997 at 7:37pm at a hospital seven minutes away from where my parents resided I never considered
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Effects of Plant Nutrient Deficiency free essay sample
This experiment aimed to determine the effects of nutrient deficiency on plants. This was done by examining tomato plants grown in a medium that contained all the nutrients needed to survive and comparing those results to plants that were grown in nutrient deficient mediums. The biomass and standard chlorophyll content were the focus of the experiment. The biomass was measured by taking the mass of the plant. The standard chlorophyll content was measured by taking the absorbance of the leaf acetone solution. The results were significant for biomass but were only significant for the distilled water treatment. Nutrient deficiency has an effect on the biomass of plants, but we fail to reject the hypothesis that the standard chlorophyll content of the nitrogen, iron, and phosphorus deficient plants is no different than the SCC of the plants placed in a medium that contained all the nutrients needed to survive healthily. Introduction The purpose of this laboratory was to examine how deficiencies in nitrogen, phosphorous and iron affect tomato plant growth. Distilled water was also used as a medium to grow the tomato plants in. There are many minerals and organic molecules that are obtained through the soil that plants need to survive. These are transported through the roots of the plant when water is absorbed (Helms et al. 1998). Plant nutrient deficiencies can have many effects such as stunted overall growth of the plant, or chlorosis and necrosis of certain plant parts, such as the leaves. One of the features that plants possess is the ability to take nutrients from older tissue and move it to newer tissue. This notion can be visualized. Kosinski states that if there is an inadequate amount of a mobile element, older plant tissue will show symptoms of the deficiency first. Old leaves may become yellow and appear dead (Kosinski 2012). Nitrogen and phosphorus in this lab were considered to be mobile elements. However, if the element in inadequate amounts is immobile, the symptoms will appear first in new foliage. Iron in this experiment was considered an immobile element. Tomato plants were used in this experiment because they can be easily grown inside the lab and display obvious symptoms of nutrient deficiency (Kosinski). The plants harvested in the lab were currently in the vegetative growth stage and did not have any flowers or fruit growing. Therefore, increase in mass during this stage is due solely to the growth of the foliage (Kosinski). The biomass and the SCC values were calculated based upon the leaves of the plants in the following treatments. The first treatments were the tomato plants grown in the complete medium, containing all macronutrients and micronutrients. These treatments acted as the control for the experiment. The independent variables are the deficiencies. There were plants grown in nitrogen deficient medium, phosphorus deficient medium, iron deficient medium, and in distilled water. The dependent variables for this experiment are biomass and standard chlorophyll content. Nitrogen is most commonly deficient in plant soils even though it is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere. This occurs because plants can only used fixed nitrogen. Nitrogen, a macronutrient, is very significant in plant growth. It has many roles in proteins and nucleic acids, as well as other macromolecules. It also makes up 1-5% of plant dry weight (Kosinski). Nitrogen deficient plants therefore are usually smaller. This is due to hormonal effects of nitrogen deficiency. Cytokinin synthesis is retarted and abscisic acid is accelerated (Kosinski). These hormonal changes age the plant and reduce the tomato plant’s lifespan. Tomatoes grown in a nitrogen deficient environment are usually rigidly upright, with thin stems and small leaves and branching is reduced (Kosinski, Berry). The leaves first change to a pale green color and then become yellow under extreme deficiency (Berry). The leaves wither away after becoming yellow and flowers fall before normal harvest time (Kosinski). Chlorosis, which is the term used for the yellowing, is more prominent between the veins as opposed to along them. Therefore, the null hypotheses for our experiment are: As compared to the control tomato plants, the plants grown in a nitrogen deficient environment will have the same biomass over four weeks, and the plants grown in this environment will also have the same standard leaf blade chlorophyll content of those grown in the complete medium. The research hypotheses are: The plants grown in a nitrogen deficient environment as compared to those grown in the complete environment, will have a smaller biomass and SCC. It is predicted that these plants will be stunted, having a smaller biomass, and the leaves will lose their color and become yellow, having a lower SCC. Phosphorus, another element used in this experiment, is the second most depleted nutrient in soils. Phosphorus is used in phospholipids and in membranes and also plays a part in other hereditary and metabolic functions. Therefore, phosphorus may restrict cell reproduction, inheritance, and normal metabolism (Kosinski). The symptoms of this deficiency are usually difficult to identify, but a major visual symptom is the plants are dwarf sized (Berry). These plants that are grown in inadequate amounts of phosphorus usually develop more slowly than other tomato plants in the same environmental conditions with the exception of the phosphorus deficiency (Berry). These plants are sometimes mistaken for young unstressed plants. Some plants recycle the phosphorus and can live many years without growth, and respiration rates in these plants tend to be higher (Kosinski). Tomato plants are extra sensitive to the lack of phosphorus and tend to display purpling of the stem and the underside of the leaves. Similarly to nitrogen, this is a mobile macronutrient. The null hypotheses are that as compared to the complete tomato plants, those grown in the phosphorus deficient environment will have the same biomass over the four-week growth, and these plants will also have the same standard leaf blade chlorophyll content as those in the complete medium do. The research hypotheses are that the plants grown in the phosphorus-depleted environment will have a smaller biomass and smaller SCC as compared to the tomato plants grown in the complete medium. It is predicted that the plants will have stunted growth, having a smaller biomass than those that are grown in a medium that contains all the macronutrients and micronutrients needed. The SCC value is also predicted to be smaller than that of the plants in the control because they become discolored. Iron is the only micronutrient in this experiment and it is an immobile element. It has to be taken in continuously and is significant in plant’s protein and enzymes that participate in electron transport (Kosinski). Iron also functions in chlorophyll and protein synthesis. Because this element is immobile, the newer leaves deteriorate first (Kosinski). The youngest leaves go through chlorosis first, evolving into total chlorosis and then these leaves become completely bleached (Berry). Lower metabolic rates are associated with iron deficiency because of iron’s role in respiration. The null hypotheses for this treatment are: When compared to the tomato plants grown in the complete medium, iron deficient plants will have the same biomass over the four week growth period, and these plants grown in iron deficient medium as compared to those in the complete environment will have the same SCC. The research hypotheses are that when compared to the plants grown in the complete medium, those grown in the iron deficient medium will have a smaller biomass, and a smaller SCC because the leaves of these plants become deteriorated and bleached. The last treatment used was distilled water. The plants grown in distilled water tend to have purple leaf veins. The null hypotheses for this treatment are: As compared to the plants grown in the complete medium, the plants grown in the distilled water will have the same biomass over 4 weeks, and will also have the same SCC as those grown in the complete environment. The research hypotheses are: The plants grown in distilled water when compared to those grown in the complete environment will have a smaller biomass and a smaller SCC. It is predicted that these plants will be smaller because they are not receiving the nutrients needed to survive. The leaves are not receiving these nutrients and are expected to become discolored and have a smaller chlorophyll content. Materials and Methods The steps provided in the Plant Nutrient Deficiency OMP, and the Procedures for Harvesting Tomatoes OMP (Kosinski 2012) were used in order to complete our experiment. The lab was divided into groups in order to have plants for each of the five treatments. The two plants were massed and one of the plant’s leaves were then cut off and also massed. The leaves were crushed with a mortar and pestle along with acetone. The resulting solution was placed in a tube, was subjected to a centrifuge and the solution’s absorbance was measured at 663 nm. If the absorbance value was over 1, the solution was diluted by using 9mL of acetone and 1mL of the solution. Different equations were used to calculate the standardized chlorophyll content (SCC) of the leaves based upon whether the solution was diluted or not. The second plant was placed into a black plastic cup along with Hydroton pellets and immersed into water that was either nitrogen deficient, phosphorus deficient, iron deficient, complete, or in distilled water (the five treatments used in this lab). Four weeks later, the SCC values of this plant’s leaves was calculated using the same method as previously mentioned.
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