Friday, December 27, 2019
Assignment Of Photography And Journalism - 1220 Words
Photography and Journalism: A Combined Assignment â€Å"This week’s assignment,†began my photography teacher, Mr. Beseau, â€Å"is to take a portrait of a person using the knowledge you have previously learned. Okay, time to go!†I scooped up my cloth binder and began walking back to the brightly lit 8th grade homeroom. Who would be the subject of my photo? Where should I take it? I had many questions but few answers. While left to ponder my options, I began to pack up my cyan backpack. It felt extra full from all the journals I was carrying. I wouldn’t be able to plan today; there was much to do for literature class. Two days later, I was confident that I had at least a few days before I needed to work out what to do. I walked into the ELA†¦show more content†¦We were going to create a display of colorful drumsticks using tempera paint. The artwork would represent how our individual personalities came together as a class by creating a collage of our brightly painted drumsticks. I turned on my black desktop monitor and opened a word processor. With quiet jazz music playing in the background, I typed up a quick outline detailing what I would need to write for journalism and the styles of outfits required for shooting the accompanying portrait. Then, I started drafting my article using the notes from my phone call with Macy, as well as the outline. Sentences started flooding the screen with details on what the project would be. I slept that night in my sea blue bedroom surrounded by a mountain of blankets. My plan was going smoothly. The following morning at school, I talked to a couple of students that lived relatively nearby to me. Namely, I asked Derrick, Zane, and Zeke for their help in the photo shoot. Given their relatively flexible schedules, I was happy to note that they all agreed to bring clothes for the outfit. Derrick even agreed to be the subject of the picture. Throughout the day, I traversed the white halls of the school, learning all that was to learn in lit erature, algebra, and physics. During the last two periods of the day, I stayed at homeroom to work on the drumstick project. The harsh scent of tempura paint invaded my nostrils. All of myShow MoreRelatedThe Censorship Of The Journalism1546 Words  | 7 Pagesworld of journalism. People often downplay the significance of this huge task. Journalism allows people to know everything happening all around the world. It also allows questions that would otherwise be awkward to ask to be answered. It offers informative facts and often the whole truth to everyone out there. Without journalism the government would probably be in control of everything and fellow citizens would ignorant of the happenings around them. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Importance Of Creating A Healthy Community - 839 Words
Creating a healthy community has been an ongoing idea for centuries. WEB DuBois was one of the numerous visionaries of the 19th century. His ideas contributed to 20th century goals of creating a healthier community. DuBois was an African-American activist during the beginning of the 20th century. He was born on February 23, 1968 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. He excelled in his academics and was deemed a scholar when he became the first African-American to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard University. He went on to advocate for African-American rights through his various contributions as a spokesperson. He wrote extensively about his opinions. He is most likely known for his public criticism on Booker T. Washington’s â€Å"Atlanta Compromise††¦show more content†¦WEB DuBois was an advocate for this minority group because he knew that the community needed to become more diverse and healthy for all people at that time, not just for the majority. WEB DuBois continued to push for human equity through additional works that strived for change in the community. It is an interesting topic to think about because when I go back to the first in class PowerPoint, the question of the day asks: â€Å"What would you find in a healthy community?†At the time I listed basic essentials such as gardens, parks, schools, hospitals, and gathering areas. However, I have now realized that I left out the people in the community. I believe that diversity is an aspect that makes America a healthy community. I could not imagine having a community that limits a minority. The events that went on during WEB DuBois’ time is an example of an indirect inequity because the barrier that prevents these individuals from having positive factors that influence their health is ultimately, a cultural barrier. It is clear that DuBois was ahead of his time when it came to century reform. Many of the principles that he advocated for still apply during the 21st century. He advocated for freedom and equality for all, especially for those that needed assistance in getting there. It took much time, effort, personal courage, and organizing to write about his beliefs of change to better the community. WEB DuBois wasShow MoreRelatedPublic Health and Healthy Communities1238 Words  | 5 Pagesimproving the overall health of communities through various interventions, focusing on prevention rather than treatment. These preventative measures include but are not limited to sanitizing drinking water, implementing immunizations to eradicate infectious diseases, and creating many programs that promote behaviors beneficial for a healthy community. What is a healthy community? According to the publication Healthy People in Healthy Communities, a healthy community is â€Å"one that embraces the beliefRead MoreMGT101A Chris Bray Case Study Essay1542 Words  | 7 PagesAustralia and overseas. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Essay on animal rights free essay sample
Animal, what is an animal, you can ask yourself this. My definition of an animal is someone who acts out without the intent to be rude or inappropriate in certain situation. So if you could say an animal like dog or cat is an animal what does that make you and me. I’m not saying I’m considering myself or others an animal but I’m saying we shouldn’t mistreat an animal based on its negative flaws they may have receive, but maybe enhance the positive in all of animals. Maybe it will make you look around and see who should be one be called the ANIMAL. In the defense to the Human race we are the chosen to be the inferior race, like smarter and show moral and compassion for a human being. So based on what I’ve had said I believe what Tibor R Machan says in some instant like they shouldn’t have the right to own property and have the right to make their own choice in what we call society of norms. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on animal rights or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I strongly believe, based on repercussions of how animals would view and acted in human life and also they couldn’t handle or function in such manner to live in human society. If this was so we would have to take an animals life everyday due to the point, they couldn’t handle it in are everyday society. If some Tibor Machan would be correct on why animals shouldn’t or wouldn’t have a valued life and the rights would be dimensioned. To be a person who is to be high in favorable pole or a role model is someone who can follow a direction and never break one rule or never make a mistake if so we lose the rights to are freedom. So that basically says majority could fit up to the expectation they want us to be, wrong. Animal’s rights are consider or based on the level of how one animal is thought. If an animal is evil and disobeys it goes to a shelter to never to be seen again. Do you see the comparison, we as humans are based on the same level of an animal and this is hint we are not perfect. So if I as a human mess up I should get a second chance and so for an animal but at reasonable circumstance should be allowed a second chance. So basically saying I believe we shouldn’t revoke another living creature rights but used them for a cause to make everything happy for us. Animals are great cause for all people in some cases, we have animals as pets, we use them as service animals and we used them for force and to protect a certain someone or attack a certain someone, I could keep naming them but I’ll talk about three key things. Service animals are a big key essential to someone’s everyday life, we may relate but some may not. If you’re self-center person and have no remorse for the blind you could think that’s just a dumb animal and we should just get rid of him and based on its not smart and you should be able to see. If wasn’t for that dog ability to learn to that special skill, but also it has to grow a bond and show its compassion towards you. Let’s say for example there’s a robbery and it your house and no one’s home but your dog, I say there a likely chance the dog would run a hide, buts let’s say your home and dog is in the house I would assume the dog would fight to the death to protect you. For the follow up, let’s talk about pets we all have them but some don’t, either you don’t have the time or money to support an animal or you just plain and simple on don’t like them. Opinion on how you feel, people likes pets because they like or love you and well always show you a little attention and some value it allot and some really don’t too much. In my opinion, I’m not saying animals should have to same rights as a human being but shown and valued a little more and not taken for granted. They should have the ability to live in sections for animals to be free and not hunted. Even though we are smarter we should realize animals are incapable of speaking up for themselves, so we should be there help their needs. Animal come in all size and they all have their certain characteristics about them to prove they have emotions and show them.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The effect of the American culture on my use of language
Cultures are different in certain aspects. Language is one of the cultural aspects that differ across cultures. Although I am a Chinese, I am able to speak three languages, Mandarin, Cantonese and English. The notion that I am an international student, having come from a very different culture implies that I have been exposed to different cultures where the use of the English language varies. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The effect of the American culture on my use of language specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This follows from the fact that I have resided in the United States for more than one year after completing my high school studies in the United Kingdom. It is important to note that earlier on, I schooled in China where I began perfecting my knowledge in English. Based on this illustration, it is clear that I have encountered different cultural backgrounds that influence my use of language. The fact th at the UK and the US use different languages from the one I was used to presented a big challenge since I had to learn the language again. Although, both the UK and the US use the English language, it is evident that there are slight differences that become clear in the usage. When an individual joins a different place where the language used is not the same, it is sensible to learn the language used in the new location. It is thus necessary to learn the American English language in order to fit into the American culture. Learning the American English has taken control of the way I relate to my colleagues. This has become clear since, even amongst Chinese colleagues, the use of the American English is dominant. Further, the American culture has influenced the way we conduct ourselves. As an illustration, the Chinese people do not take direct commands, instead, they humbly submit. However, the American culture has forced those Chinese living in America to face off with people issuin g commands. It is also worth to note that after coming to the US, one changes speech rules. By way of example, even though it may not be necessary to say a response, I find myself responding, an aspect that is ingrained in the US culture. As I indicated earlier, English differs across regions. As an example, the language version that is used in the UK is not the same as the one used in the US. As an English learner, I still experience problems despite the fact that I have learned the language for some time. I believe that some of the problems that I face are down to knowledge issues although others revolve around cultural aspects. The major problem lies on the idea that I began learning English in China. During the English lessons, the teachers did not take time to highlight any aspects of the American culture. As a result, I was not in a position to figure out how English is used within the American culture. Advertising Looking for essay on languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As an illustration, when one poses, â€Å"how are you?†a Chinese is tempted to think about himself whereas, the expression is used as a greeting. Additionally, in the Chinese culture, there are limited responses to greeting expressions. It is thus little surprising that after coming to the US I have learned more response expressions. It is evident that culture is influential in many respects. As the paper establishes, since coming to California, I have been heavily influenced by the American culture. Specifically, I have changed my use of language. I have also been able to enlarge my knowledge of English since the version of the language used in the US is slightly different from the ones used in China and the UK. This essay on The effect of the American culture on my use of language was written and submitted by user Marc Sharpe to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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